Our Process
"Needless to say that since we are ‘partners’ with our customers, we deploy all possible resources to maintain each Micro-Grid at the peak of it’s performance……because that’s how we all get paid!"

determine the potential and then Execute!

Step 1
We start with a year’s worth of your most recent Electric Bills and ’Interval Data’, which is an electronic file that your Electric Utility Company provides, that contains full information of how you used electricity over that one year period.
Step 2
Using our sophisticated Modeling-Tool, which takes in to consideration various parameters such as the Electric Company’s Tariff (including things such as Energy Charges, Demand Charges, Time-of-Day, Day-of-Week, Peak, Partial-Peak, Off-Peak etc), as also various Financial considerations such as Federal, State, and Local Rebates, Incentives, Tax Benefits etc., we come up with an optimized System Design that is most likely to deliver the best possible Financial Results.
Step 3
This is the point in the process at which we work with our clients to discuss and agree on the optimal design that would deliver the best financial results for THEIR specific situation, and then sign a simple straight-forward “Shared Savings” contract (That’s how we get paid for our services, because that model ensures we are ‘partners’ with our clients and our interests are perfectly aligned!)
Step 4
We run a final simulation on our modeling tool, using system sizing based on the above, and then ‘Save’ that model to our cloud platform.
Step 5
We go thru all the typical steps of actually building the project, using design firms to produce design packages for building permits interconnection permits, procuring products from our established supply-chain, hire local contractor/s to physically install the system, all under our own Project Coordination and Management.
Step 6
This is the point at which we down-load the ‘Saved’ data file in to the on-site Energy Management System (EMS), which then runs the Micro-Grid going forward and adapts it’s savings algorithms to the REAL-LIFE data as time passes, thus ‘learning’ as it goes and constantly improving it’s ability to maximize yield.


Shared Savings
We predict what the savings are likely to be from a system that we design for each customer’s specific site. We then install the system at the site using our own money. As the system performs and produces revenue, we share that revenue with our host customers.
PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) whereby a customer simply buys power from the system, which we install on their premises, at our cost.
For a customer who would like to own and operate their own Micro-Grid, we would be happy to develop, design, and deliver the system to them on a ‘Turn-Key’ basis. We also offer Operation and Maintenance contracts for on-going O&M of systems that we build.